
Spirathon and Open Data Panel: An Eye-Opening Experience

07/12/2024 Pragya Khatiwada
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As a member of Spiralogics, I had a chance to participate in the company's annual hackathon, Spirathon, and a thought-provoking panel discussion on open data in Nepal presented itself. This event offered valuable perspectives on the potential of open data and its capacity to spur innovation, transparency, and empowerment within the country. 

The panel discussion on Unlocking the Potential: Public Data Innovation and the Challenges Ahead in Nepal featured an esteemed panel comprising Saunak Ranjitkar, CTO/COO of Spiralogics International; Akash Adhikari, Artificial Intelligence Researcher; Santosh Gartaula, CEO and Co-Founder of Bikas Udhyami; and Sagun Khanal, Product Manager at CloudFactory Nepal. This diverse panel brought together perspectives from the realms of technology, entrepreneurship, research, and product development, fostering a comprehensive dialogue on the opportunities, challenges, and prospects of open data in the context of Nepal. The insightful discourse was moderated by Rasu Shrestha, Project Manager at Spiralogics International. 

The Journey of Open Data in Nepal 

During the panel discussion, Santosh Gartaula, shared insights into Nepal's open data journey. He mentioned that journey has been gradual, with the government gradually recognizing the importance of making public data accessible to citizens. Gartaula highlighted that establishment of Open Data Portal in 2017 marked a significant milestone in this journey. He explained that this portal provides a centralized platform for citizens and organizations to access and explore various government datasets, which was a crucial step towards promoting data accessibility and transparency in Nepal.  

Opportunities: Fueling Growth and Empowerment  

The open data movement in Nepal now presents a myriad of opportunities for individuals, communities, and organizations. Saunak Ranjitkar expressed his excitement about the potential of open data in his day-to-day work and life. "Open data allows us to make more informed decisions, identify trends, and develop innovative solutions to complex problems," he said. 

Santosh Gartaula also emphasized the role of open data in promoting transparency and accountability. "By making data accessible to the public, citizens can analyze policies, monitor public spending, and hold authorities accountable for their actions," he said. His examples of open data applications benefiting Nepal's population, from education to essential services, inspired hope for positive change.   

Sagun Khanal highlighted the potential of open data in empowering marginalized communities. Sagun Khanal emphasized that open data can be leveraged to create applications and services that address the varied needs of Nepal's population, ranging from delivering educational materials to facilitating access to essential services for rural communities. 

Akash Adhikari sees open data as a catalyst for developing AI-powered solutions that can analyze vast datasets and provide valuable insights for Nepal. However, we must ensure these AI systems align with open data principles like transparency, accountability, and responsible data usage.   

Spirathon: Promoting Open Data  

The panel discussion took place during Spirathon, where different groups presented projects related to open data. Saunak Ranjitkar highlighted the importance of such events in promoting awareness about open data and fostering innovation. 

Saunak Ranjitkar explained that hackathons like Spirathon enable participants to explore open data, pinpoint challenges, and create innovative solutions by bringing together diverse perspectives and skills, unlocking the true potential of open data to drive meaningful change.   

Saunak Ranjitkar also discussed the role of AI in open data, emphasizing the need for responsible and ethical use of these technologies.  

Challenges and the Way Forward  

While the open data movement in Nepal presents numerous opportunities, panelists also discussed the challenges that must be addressed. 

  1. Saunak Ranjitkar highlighted concerns around data privacy and security as one of the key barriers organizations face when it comes to sharing data openly. Moderator Rasu Shrestha asked the panelist "In your experience, what are some of the key challenges or barriers that organizations face when it comes to sharing data openly?" Santosh Gartaula noted concerns around data quality, reliability, accuracy, and being up-to-date, especially for resource-constrained organizations. 
  2. "How can we address concerns around privacy and security while still promoting the use of open data?". Akash Adhikari suggested adopting robust data anonymization techniques to remove personal identifiers, allowing organizations to share data while ensuring privacy. 
  3. "One of the main challenges with open data is ensuring data quality and reliability. How can organizations ensure that the data they are sharing is accurate and up to date?" Sagun Khanal proposed rigorous data management processes to ensure data quality and reliability, like regular audits and standardized collection. 
  4. "Another concern is the potential for data misuse or misinterpretation. How can we promote data literacy and responsible data usage among consumers and decision makers?" Saunak Ranjitkar advocated educational efforts to promote data literacy, highlighting understanding limitations and biases. Santosh Gartaula emphasized collaboration and knowledge-sharing among organizations for responsible data usage. 

Conclusion and a Vision for the Future 

The panel discussion and innovative projects at Spirathon reignited my enthusiasm for the transformative power of open data. Organizations like Spiralogics are crucial in advancing the open data movement by democratizing access and empowering data-driven decision-making. 

Leaving inspired, I'm motivated to contribute to this promising future of open data in Nepal, which fosters transparency, collaboration, and sustainable progress. 


About Pragya:  

Pragya, a technical writer at Spiralogics in Nepal, spends her workdays creating clear and concise documentation to assist users in understanding and utilizing the company's products and services.